The Minister of Development, Cseke Attila, announces that the future Urban Planning Code is in the adoption procedure, and would considerably simplify the process of obtaining building permits, and for some types of construction, such as single-family houses, terraces, garages, the entire procedure currently in force for obtaining the necessary building permits may no longer be necessary.
“We talked to the mayors about categories of construction, some of which would no longer require a building permit and could be built based on a notification to the city hall – terraces, garages, summer kitchens, even smaller houses in rural areas, based on a project drawn up by a specialist, that is, by a designer or an architect, we are not talking about as the citizen wants, but if you have a project of this kind, with the signature of the specialist and so on, you notify the city hall, the city hall looks at the zonal and detailed urban plan and sees that it fits, that is, houses can be built there and I want to build houses there, then they give it the go-ahead and no longer do the current procedure for an urban planning certificate and building permit, which takes months and involves an inevitable bureaucracy,” explained the Minister of Development.
The minister emphasized that simplified procedures will also be implemented in the case of urban plans of localities. “We propose some mechanisms through which the general urban plans of localities, which today take from 4, 5, to 7, 8 years to obtain all the approvals, will be simplified. We will eliminate this approval in which you go separately after each approval, you go to the next one and by the fifth one your first approval expires, because unfortunately this happens. There will be a single approval, at once, at all ministries, to reduce the approval time”, Cseke Attila also stated.