New truck weighing and speed measurement systems launched on D4 motorway Prague to Písek

22 January 2025

As of Wednesday, January 22, 2025, the newly constructed sections of the D4 motorway will be equipped with high-speed weighing and speed measurement systems, marking a significant advancement in road safety and traffic monitoring. The deployment of these technologies has been approved by the traffic police, who have assessed the methodology and are legally responsible for speed enforcement.

Two high-speed weighbridges have been installed on the D4 motorway—one in the Prague to Písek direction and the other in the opposite direction. These advanced Weight-in-Motion (WIM) systems allow for the real-time monitoring of a vehicle’s total weight, individual axle load, and various other parameters without causing any disruption to traffic flow.

Drivers found exceeding the weight limit will receive an instant notification via electronic information boards displaying their license plate number and the excess weight in tonnes. This immediate feedback aims to deter overloaded vehicles, ensuring the longevity and quality of the newly completed motorway infrastructure.

The high-speed weighing system will operate 24/7, initially for statistical data collection. However, at predetermined intervals, a penalty enforcement regime will be activated, resulting in fines for hauliers who exceed the legal weight limits. The enforcement of these penalties will be managed by the municipal authorities in Příbram and Písek, with each city overseeing one weighbridge’s administrative process.

In addition to the weighbridges, the sectional speed measurement system has been implemented along the D4 motorway. Eight designated sections in each direction are equipped with speed enforcement cameras. Responsibility for enforcement is divided between the two administrative regions—Příbram in Central Bohemia and Písek in South Bohemia—each handling four sections.

Speed monitoring will be conducted selectively, with one section in each direction being monitored at any given time. The selected sections will rotate periodically, and drivers will be notified of active speed enforcement through variable message signs displaying the message “Sectional speed measurement in progress.” These notifications will be displayed unless other mandatory traffic alerts take precedence.

The speed limits for vehicles using the motorway remain as follows: 130 km/h for vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tonnes and buses, while heavier motor vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes must adhere to an 80 km/h limit.

Authorities believe that the introduction of these advanced monitoring systems will significantly enhance road safety, reduce vehicle overloading, and encourage compliance with speed limits, contributing to a safer and more efficient driving experience on the D4 motorway.

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