Brno seeks partner for Science and Technology Park development in Černovická Sandpit

12 December 2024

Brno has taken a significant step toward transforming the Černovická sandpit, a 16-hectare site valued at over half a billion crowns, into a cutting-edge science and technology park. City deputies have decided to pursue a concession partnership for the project, allowing Brno to retain control over the site’s specific development, rather than opting for a public auction.

The land, located in the Černovice district, is designated as a commercial area in Brno’s new zoning plan. Two companies, CTP and Kompan, had already expressed interest in purchasing the site. CTP views the location as strategically important due to its proximity to the existing CTPark at Černovické terraces, while Kompan had planned to build a plant there.

City Councillor Jiří Oliva (SOCDEM) emphasized that a concession process, while more complex and time-consuming than an auction, ensures the city can dictate the site’s purpose. “The vision is for science, research, and innovation, but we need to define precisely what that entails. Will it be laboratories, offices, or something else? This process allows us to determine that,” Oliva explained.

Deputies also approved agreements to settle property issues at the sandpit, a fragmented site with multiple owners. A 2022 cooperation agreement between the city and other landowners, including CTP Invest and Lukáš Málek, laid the groundwork for unifying ownership to enable coherent development.

“Currently, the area is unusable due to fragmented ownership. Agreements will allow land exchanges and purchases to create cohesive units ready for development,” Oliva said. The arrangements will involve land in several city districts, including Černovice, Tuřany, Komín, Líšeň, and Slatina.

Parts of the site will be reserved for environmental purposes, with plans for a large park to become city property. Other areas will be allocated for commercial development, green spaces, and transport infrastructure.

The Černovická sandpit is owned by Brno’s municipal district of Černovice. However, its management has faced internal disputes. In 2022, Viktor Mrňous became managing director after a police intervention at the site. This year, the city appointed a second managing director, Robert Quitta, to handle property issues. Reports of disagreements between the two directors have raised concerns.

Černovice Mayor Petra Quittová (no relation to Robert Quitta) acknowledged the tensions, stating efforts are underway to resolve the situation. She plans to discuss options with city officials to ensure smooth operations.

Brno will now draft concession terms and identify a suitable partner through a transparent process. While the city’s vision for a science and technology park takes shape, the unification of ownership and the resolution of management disputes will be critical to unlocking the site’s potential.

This initiative represents Brno’s commitment to fostering innovation and sustainable development while ensuring careful stewardship of valuable urban land.

Source: CTK
Photo: CTK

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