Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații advises on EUR 29.5 mln credit facility for Unirii View SRL

17 December 2024

Unirii View SRL, a Weerts Group company and developer of the Unirii View Tower office building in Bucharest, has secured a EUR 29.5 million credit facility from Banca Comercială Română (BCR).
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații provided legal assistance to Unirii View SRL in obtaining a financing from Banca Comercială Română (BCR). The credit facility, amounting to EUR 29.5 million, will be used to refinance a previous loan for the development of the Unirii View office tower.

The team of lawyers from Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații was led by Gabriela Anton, Partner (Banking & Finance), together with Partners Alexandra Pereș and Răzvan Gheorghiu-Testa (Real Estate), and included Cătălin Georgescu, Managing Associate (Banking & Finance), Paul Butuzar, Associate (Banking & Finance), and Ștefania Șerban, Senior Associate (Real Estate).

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații’s lawyers assisted Unirii View SRL throughout the financing process, which covers drafting and reviewing the loan documentation, assisting with the legal due diligence by the financing bank, negotiating, signing and drawing the loan, satisfying all conditions precedent and refinancing the previous credit facility.

“We worked closely with the Unirii View SRL team on this financing project for an iconic office building in the centre of Bucharest, benefiting from the support of a multidisciplinary team of lawyers within our firm. We are delighted that this highly significant transaction was successfully completed within the timeframe agreed by the parties, further demonstrating that sustainable real estate projects can earn the trust of major financial institutions such as Banca Comercială Română (BCR)”, said Gabriela Anton, Partner at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații and head of the firm’s banking and finance projects.

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