The American giant P&G, with two detrgent and hair care product factories in Romania, has capitalized one of its companies, Detergenti SA, with EUR 18.3 million.
Detergenti SA, which operates the detergent and hair care product factories in Urlați, received a cash capital contribution worth approximately EUR 18.3 million, through the issuance of new shares, according to an announcement by the company.
The company’s shareholder structure thus remains the same, with Procter&Gamble Marketing Romania SRL the majority shareholder controlling 99.9% of the shares. Procter&Gamble Marketing Romania SRL is, in turn, controlled by Procter&Gamble International SARL, an entity based in Switzerland.
Procter&Gamble has been present in Romania since 1994. The company owns, in Urlați, a factory for hair care products (shampoo and conditioner) and another, inaugurated in 2021, for liquid detergent capsules.